FSC; Turkish Forest Stewardship Council and takes its name from the first letters of the international organization called ''Forest Stewardship Council'' . The establishment of FSC dates back to the 1990s. It is a non-profit international organization formed by a group of wood producers, users, representatives of various environmental and social civil society organizations and headquartered in Bonn, Germany.
FSC is a system that aims to ensure that all forests in the world are managed in the most appropriate way and that these practices are spread internationally, and has set international standards to achieve this goal. FSC is the only organization in the world that supports and advances forest certification standards.
Products obtained from the correct management of forests around the world are recognised with the FSC logo. The FSC label provides the link between responsible production and consumption, providing consumers with a socially and environmentally responsible purchasing choice.
Prevents the degradation of natural forests and ecological structures in the world,
It prevents the use of pesticides that are dangerous and have a very high impact on the environment and eliminates their risks.
Prevents the genetic structure of trees from being changed,
Prevents the depletion of forests and records and controls the consumption of forest products,
Creates respect for the rights of indigenous people living in forest areas around the world,
Checks the conformity of certified organizations at least once a year.
The FSC Certificate is an indication that the FSC standard is applied in companies producing forest products and that it is given as a result of an audit conducted according to this standard. FSC does not directly audit organizations. It oversees the implementation of this system by creating standards and authorizing companies. Today, many organizations, especially with the increase in environmental awareness, demand that the raw materials they use are provided from well-managed forests and therefore they turn to companies with a certificate in this regard.
FSC announces the documents published by the certification bodies it accredits on its website on a monthly basis.
One of the FSC certificate types is FSC-COC; Forest Stewardship Council Chain of Custody Certificate.
The FSC-COC Chain of Custody Certificate proves that the product is obtained from well-managed forests and controlled sources and confirms that these products are not mixed with products produced from uncontrolled trees. It refers to the uninterrupted path that the product takes from the forest to the consumer, including production, transformation and distribution processes. The FSC logo and registration numbers on the product and raw material are the visual expression of the application of this system.